Apartment P

Previous slide Next slide info Apartment P location: Sofia, Bulgariayear: 2015 Interior design of a 2 bedroom apartment — quiet, calm, serene melancholy of spiritual longinga state in which an object or expression of feelings can be realized within us. — The project takes root in the new residential area of Lozenets, a historic district […]

Fassade – hairdresser saloon

scroll down for info Previous Next info Fassade – hairdresser saloon location: Graz, Austria client: Fassadeyear: 1999 The hairdresser saloon is located in an old baroque house. The fabric screens used as space dividers contribute to the idea of simplicity and transparency. The domination of white and pale pink evokes the sense of wellness and tranquility.

Stands Viero

scroll down for info Previous Next info Stands for Viero location: Milan, London  client: Vieroyear: 2008 – 

Show-rooms Kansai Paint

scroll down for info Previous Next info Show-rooms Kansai location: Dubai client: Kansai Paintyear: 2012 Show-room project for the japanese paint company in Dubai.

Show-rooms Neutra

scroll down for info Previous Next info Show-room layouts client: Neutrayear: 2010 Earth, air, water, wood, light, stone. Song of forest birds, trees rustling in the wind are the elements that I wanted to instill into these interiors. Careful selection of colors, materials and light are incorporated into the various modules that should serve the […]


scroll down for info Previous Next info Caffè location: Graz, Austriayear: 2004 — The reduction of excess is the main motive in this project. Linearity and materials here are an expression of my constant search for a diffuse, minimalist space. Simple gentle foldings are used to form the benches and the bar. The kitchen, separated […]

Gallery Edno

scroll down for info Previous Next info Gallery Edno location: Plovdiv, Bulgaria client: One Design Weekyear: 2014 — Gallery and office for the Bulgarian design festival in the ancient town of Plovdiv.

Show-room Sipex

scroll down for infoscroll down for info Previous Next info Show-room Sipex location: Lugano, Switzerland client: Sipex Switzerlandyear: 2011-2012 — While thinking about the interior of this show-room for doors I was searching for a way to underline the exposition.Concrete floor and ceiling, simple industrial lighting and an open space give a kind of “untouched” […]

Stand for Baldini

scroll down for info Previous Next info Stand for Baldini at MosBuild location: Moscow, Russia client: Cromologyyear: 2015 —

Show-room Alulife

Previous Next info Show-room location: Milan, Italy client: Alulifeyear: 2007-2008 Alulife® is a patented aluminum surface commonly used in architecture and interior design as well as in the design of products.The show-room of Alulife® is created as part of the corporate identity and represents in the best way the emotional and physical qualities of this unique […]